output: n.1.产量;生产,出产,产品。2.【医学】(粪便以外的)排泄物;排泄量。3.【电学】发电力,输出功率;供给量。4.输出信号。短语和例子monthly output 月产量。 the output of a factory 工厂产品。 the literary output of the year 当年文艺作品。 a sudden output of effort 奋发。
The ecm continuously processes this information and generates output commands to the various systems that affect vehicle performance . ECM连续不断地处理这信息,并向各个汽车与汽车性能有关系的系统发出指令。
Choose an output command ( such as print book or print selected documents ) in the book palette menu 在制版板块中,选定你要输出的文档。如不选择的话,整本书会被输出。
We can instruct the shell to execute the output commands which ssh - agent displays using the shell s eval command 我们可以使用shell的eval命令来让shell执行ssh - agent显示的输出命令:
The ecm continuously processes this information and generates output commands to the various systems that affect vehicle performance Ecm连续不断地处理这信息,并向各个汽车与汽车性能有关系的系统发出指令。